Allen’s Shirt | Boy’s Shirts | Hollins’ Shirt | My Shirt
(These will be explained further throughout the post)
1. Make a list + Pack early
2. Use Ziplock bags for clothes
3. Use a sharpie marker to write on each bag- NAME- DATE- PARK
4. Limit shoes to 2 pairs for each child… usually sneakers + flip flops or sandals
5. Even if your are going to Disney in the middle of the summer when it’s 95 degrees, let each child pack a jacket or sweatshirt of some sort. Restaurants will be blasting the air-conditioning and if they are anything like my kids, they will get chilly.
6. Dress comfortable for all flights and long car rides
7. Read my Disney Tips for ordering certain items when you are already at Disney! It will cut down on packing for sure!
Packing for a family of 3, 4, 5 or more for a trip to the happiest place on Earth, can be overwhelming. Of course, planning early is key. Start by making a list as soon as you know you are going on vacation. It can be handwritten, printed from your computer, or even on the Notes app on your phone. Use an extra room, closet or even and extra large target bag will work and just start throwing things in there as you buy them. I start by buying a bunch of large gallon-size ziplock bags. On the bag I write the child’s name, date and park we are visiting the day that coordinates with the outfit.
I do this for each child, each day of our trip.
It makes packing for the trip easier and it makes mornings while you are on vacation MUCH easier. The boys can read (Hollins is getting there too) so they pull out their large ziplock bag the night before so in the morning it is ready for them to get ready. It might sound time-consuming and super anal to do this all before but I promise, it helps. Traveling with kids is hard, this can make things run a little smoother.
The bags can also be reused at the end of the day for the dirty clothes to transport them back home. Trust me you don’t want to stick clothes covered in ice cream, water ride water and dirt back in your suitcase. Shoes, of course, go in a separate bag and I usually, for 5-7 days, let my kids take 2 pairs of shoes.
What to wear to Disney
Travel style is extremely important to me. I love to go places but I hate getting there. Comfort is key. I get so bored on long drives and airplane rides. Knit overalls, t-shirt and sneakers (slip-on because of security at the airport!) are my current travel uniform.
Overalls | T-shirt | Sneakers (similar) | Suitcase
I packed one jacket for myself for the whole trip. I got some good use out of it since it was so cool in the morning and evenings. Our room at the resort had a washer and dryer so about mid-way through the trip I did a load of laundry. This helped with amount of things I needed to get in our suitcases.
My Dress| Hollins Dress {from in-store at H&M} | Jacket | Ears | My Sneakers | Hollins Sneakers | Backpack
T-shirt {sorry! exact shirt sold out super quick!} | Jumper | Sneakers
Bow T-shirt | Black Cut-offs | Minnie T-shirt | Cut-offs |Sneakers
Allen’s Shirt | Nat’s Shirt | Hollins’ Shirt | Jackson’s Shirt (similar)| My Shirt
Here are some other great options for Disney! All of these are under $20 too!
Below are 2 boards that I made for my travel & style clients for their family vacations to Disney World. It’s a mix of fun coordinated outfits plus easy comfy dresses and outfits for mom.
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